Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Hey gang, welcome to The Blog.

So many people are studying Millennials trying to figure out what makes you tick. Why, you may ask? You are the largest group to come along since the Baby Boomers and have a tremendous amount of influence politically, educationally, and monetarily. Essentially, you will dictate how the world will evolve over the next century.

Many employers ask me, "How can I get this group to work with me? What motivates them? What are their values? How important is work? Money? Personal time? Co-workers?"

I'm hoping you will share your thoughts and ideas in relation to the questions above.

I welcome all your comments and I hope we can all find this very informative.

Be well,


1 comment:

  1. Money can be an important motivator. For me, as long as my wage meets the prevailing wage for the occupation in the region or exceeds it a little, I'm happy.

    However, family values and friendship are even more important to me. I need to have time with my wife, and I would like to be friends with my coworkers. I think team building activities within an organization are hugely important; it makes me want to wake up in the morning because I will be excited to see my coworkers and vice-versa. Building relationships at work is a large motivator.

    Job enrichment is a large motivator as well. Having more responsibility in the workplace, not to the point of engorgement, is motivating.

    Praise after a job well done is a motivator. Sometimes managers forget to appreciate good work ethic, and it's a simple thing that costs nothing. I realize it won't always happen and you will only hear from the manager when you're doing something wrong, but adding rewards or, at least, praise after good performance is very motivating.
